Playing Golf, The Karma Way | Karma Lakelands

Playing Golf, The Karma Way

Golf Course 2

Many if not most competitive sports, regardless of whether they are played indoors or outdoors, on land or on water, teach us how to beat the other team, win ruthlessly and capture a distinctive accolade. Golf, as we all know, is a notable exception. It teaches us, among many other life lessons, patience, how to appreciate others and respect them.

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Golf Course Oxygen

The nine-hole signature golf course at Karma Lakelands in Gurugram is home to hundreds of golfers, who find the experience enthralling not only because it is an exquisitely maintained course but also for reasons that make it unique and singular. The course is never closed for maintenance which means that golfers can simply arrive at Karma Lakelands without having to call ahead while safely assuming that they are in for yet another exhilarating and exciting golf experience. Since single use products and smoking are not permitted on the course, golfers can refresh themselves with planeloads of fresh oxygen thanks to the 235 acres of lush greenery that surrounds the golf course. Even the wet lands within the resort, which is the perfect venue for an extended golf vacation, are protected thus providing many species of wildlife opportunities to share the Karma habitat with humanity. Both the Karma mission and the mandate take environment and its delicate balance seriously, according to Mr. Ashwani Khurana, CEO of Karma Lakelands. “A 9 hole golf course makes enough oxygen for more than 60k people to breathe,” he recently shared in a magazine interview.
Golfers are not only permitted but also encouraged to bring their non-golfing friends with them to experience the Karma magic. Moreover, golf uniforms and attire are not mandatory as is the case with many other golf courses. Caddies at the course participate actively to keep the course weed and litter free and bio composting procedures are in place to recycle organic and other waste from the turf quaintly assisted by cows and goats which gracefully dot the Karma landscape.


Eco-responsible Rejuvenation

Research conducted recently at Karma Lakelands has revealed that a scientific combination of soil and compost miraculously heals the damaged divots on the fairway as well as the grassy areas much more quickly and better than traditional processes where sand is used thus transforming maintenance into an eco-responsible initiative. While soil is a living organism, sand is inert.
Tiger Woods once said, “The greatest thing about tomorrow is I will be better than I am today.” Golf motivates us not merely to win friends and influence people but also evolve continuously as responsible global citizens committed to preserving our planet for future generations.